• Dec 29 2023 - 19:20
  • - Number of Visits: 198
  • - Number of Visitors: 182
  • Study Time : Less than one minute
Visiting patients via telemedicine

Visiting patients via telemedicine

Visiting patients in the form of telemedicine in line with the order and emphasis of Dr. Delfan, the president of the provincial university of medical sciences

Visiting patients in the form of telemedicine in line with the order and emphasis of Dr. Delfan, the president of the provincial university of medical sciences, regarding the online visit of patients in underprivileged cities through telemedicine technology (duramedicine) by specialist and subspecialist doctors in the center of the province, this morning Dr. Shabak Skin diseases and a member of the academic staff of the university and Dr. Jafarsteh, a specialist in internal diseases, visited the patients of Poldakhter, Rumeshkan and Sepidasht cities online by attending the specialized clinic of the educational center of the martyrs of Khorramabad tribes.
  With the efforts of the statistics and information technology management unit of the university in order to prepare the mentioned electronic infrastructure and the order of the university president, online visits of patients will be done on a weekly basis.
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