Vice-Dean for Education: Dr. Mohsen Mohammadi, assistant professor of pharmaceutical biotechnology
- Planning for the appropriate implementation of educational projects
· Planning for the development of education and inauguration of new degree programs at the School
- Arranging the the employment of new faculty members as the need arises
· Reviewing the educational procedures at the School and offering new procedures to the Dean of the School
- Honoring the exceptional talents at the School and contributing to their success
· Coordinating the relationships with other units to achieve institutional goals
- Coordination the educational affairs of the departments to achieve the goals set by the School and LUMS
· Coordinating the bureaucratic affairs of the affiliated units
- Contacting the Vice-Chancellor for Education to get informed of the educational policies of the University, offer the suggestions and submit the demands of the School
· Contacting the chancelleries and educational hospitals of LUMS, Medical Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Nursing Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran to convince their authorities cooperate with the School in order to achieve the goals set by the School
- Supervising the activities of the departments
· Supervising the affairs of the Department of Education, Postgraduate Office, and EDO
- Supervising the accurate implementation of educational bylaws and regulations
· Enforcing the policies and decrees issued by the Dean of the School and the Vice-Chancellor for Education
- Referring the bureaucratic letters and complaints received to the affiliated units
· Receiving the suggestions offered by faculty members, students and the staff and making appropriate decisions about them
- Participating in the meetings of the councils at the School and the Board of Directors
· Holding academic conferences and workshops and refreshing short-term courses
- Corresponding with intracollegiate and intercollegiate units
· Evaluating the activities of the departments, faculty members and the staff
- Assessing the educational procedures and outputs

انتخاب حالت کور رنگی
سرخ کوری سبز کوری آبی کوری سرخ دشوار بینی سبز دشوار بینی آبی دشوار بینی تک رنگ بینی تک رنگ بینی مخروطیتغییر اندازه فونت:
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