The Administration
Dr. Tahereh Toulabi, associate professor of nursing
- Supervising the implementations of the decrees issued by Chancellor of LUMS or Vice-Chancellor for Education
· Preparing the ground for the development of talent in university students
- Coordinating the educational, disciplinary, bureaucratic and financial affairs at the School
· Supervising the activities of faculty members
- Evaluating and coordinating the affairs of the units affiliated to the School
· Submitting the tentative figures of the annual budget to university officials
- Supervising the affairs of the councils affiliated to the School
· Evaluating the annual activities of the School and reporting the results to Vice-Chancellor for Education
- Qualifying the vice-deans and department heads
Vice-Dean for Education:
Dr. Farahnaz Changaee, assistant professor of reproductive health
- Making decisions with regard to educational affairs with the help of officials
· Supervising the implementation of educational regulations and bylaws
- Monitoring the performance of the affiliated units
· Determining the agenda of sessions held with the departments
- Determining the educational strategy of the school with the help of relevant units
· Supervising the implementation of educational affairs at the School
- Participating in the sessions of the Educational Council of LUMS
· Cooperating with various deputies at LUMS
- Participating in the sessions of various councils at the School
· Contributing to the coordination of the affairs between units associated with theoretical and clinical education
Vice-Dean for Research:
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadipour, assistant professor of nursing
- Responsibilities:
· Participating in the policy making associated with research at the School and LUMS
- Contributing to the qualitative and quantitative promotion of research at the School based on the instructions issued by the Vice-Chancellery for Research and Technology
· Holding and managing the sessions of the Strategic Committee of the Determination of Research Priorities
- Holding the sessions of the Research Council of the School of Nursing and the research councils of the departments
· Scheduling the sessions of journal club
- Supervising the confirmation of research projects and the research activities of faculty members and students
· Supervising the observance of research ethical codes
- Monitoring the activities of the staff of the Laboratory, Audio Visual Unit, and IT Center
· Supervising the performance of Student Research Committee and other associations
- Arranging and holding congresses and scientific conferences
· Assessing the needs and arranging as well as holding research workshops
Postgraduate Administrator:
Dr. Mohammad Gholami, assistant professor of nursing education
- Corresponding with the departments at LUM to ensure the services of professors
· Contributing to the registration of theses and dissertations
- Receiving the completed form of the three-month progress report for theses and dissertations and addressing the executive problems of their implementation in the Postgraduate Council of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
· Supervising the corrections of theses and dissertations after viva sessions
- Receiving the reports of the educational activities of faculty members to confirm them and send them to the Vice-Dean for Education
· Arranging and holding the sessions of the Postgraduate Council of the School of Nursing and Midwifery to discuss the educational issues of the School, and confirm the titles of theses and dissertations according to agendas of sessions
- Proposing tentative supervisors for theses and dissertations to the Postgraduate Council of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
· Proposing the required forms and educational processes to the Postgraduate Council of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Investigating and proposing new curricula and the required alterations for their implementation to the Postgraduate Council of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
· Proposing the inauguration of new programs at the School to the Postgraduate Council of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
Contact Us:
Address: Office of Postgraduate Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kamalvand Campus, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Lorestan, Iran.
Phone Numbers:
Dr. Mohammad Gholami (Administrator): +98-066-33120140 (extension: 382)

انتخاب حالت کور رنگی
سرخ کوری سبز کوری آبی کوری سرخ دشوار بینی سبز دشوار بینی آبی دشوار بینی تک رنگ بینی تک رنگ بینی مخروطیتغییر اندازه فونت:
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رنگ اصلی:
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