Dean: Dr. Ghafar Ali Mahmoudi
Academic Rank: Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Personal Email:
Academic Email:
Fellowship: Clinical Toxicology and Poisoning
ü Supervising the enforcement of the decrees issued by the Chancellor of LUMS or the Vice-Chancellor for Education
ü Preparing the requirements of educational development and the success of exceptional talents
ü Coordinating the educational, disciplinary, bureaucratic, and financial affairs at the School of Medicine
ü Supervising the accomplishment of the educational and research duties of the faculty members
ü Evaluating and coordinating the activities of the entire centers and units affiliated to the School of Medicine
ü Proposing the figures of the annual budget of the School of Medicine
ü Supervising the activities of the Educational and Research Councils of the School of Medicine
ü Assessing the annual accomplishments of the School of Medicine and reporting it to the Vice-Chancellor for Education
ü Qualifying the vice deans and department heads
• Vice-Deans
ü Vice-Dean for Clinical Sciences
Vice-Dean for Clinical Sciences: Dr. Azita Zafar Mohtasham
Academic Rank: Assistant professor, subspecialty in nephrology
Duties of the Vice-Dean for Clinical Sciences
ü Supervising the enforcement of rules and educational bylaws in clinical units
ü Supervising the educational affairs of the clinical departments
ü Evaluating the activities of the clinical faculty members
ü Monitoring the activities of the vice-deans for education in the educational hospitals
ü Holding various sessions with the heads of the clinical departments to inform them of new educational regulations
ü Planning the rotatory services of the clinical wards in the intern and extern courses
ü Supervising the activities of ICM
ü Managing the educational affairs of students in preclinical and clinical courses
ü Monitoring and documenting the monthly performances of the clinical faculty members
ü Holding various sessions with the heads of the clinical departments to discuss the educational rules and regulations
ü Monitoring the educational status of the students of preclinical and clinical courses
ü Collecting the information of the clinical faculty members to complete the website of the School of Medicine
ü Participating in the contract extension sessions to determine the extension of the contracts based on the annual performances of the clinical faculty members
ü Holding the sessions of the Clinical Qualification Committee of the Interns and Externs of the School of Medicine
ü Holding the sessions of qualifying the applicants for the position of faculty member
ü Proposing new methods for the clinical evaluation of the departments
ü Monitoring the roll calling of students in the intern and extern courses in hospitals
ü Meeting the students of clinical courses every semester
ü Advising the students of clinical courses about distinct educational issues
ü Issuing guest student registration forms every semester
ü Sending the references of pre-intern comprehensive exams to the clinical departments every semester
ü Sending letters to the clinical departments concerning the monthly introduction of interns and externs
ü Monitoring the timely registration of marks by the clinical departments
ü Participating in the sessions of the educational councils of the School and LUMS
ü Commenting on the educational issues of the clinical departments in the Educational Council of the School of Medicine
ü Reading the morning reports of the educational hospitals every semester
ü Participating in the educational conferences of the educational hospitals
ü Coordinating the extracurricular classes, including prescription-writing classes, in Shohadaye Ashayer Hospital
ü Monitoring the shifts of interns in hospitals
ü Holding the sessions of the Assessment and Planning Committee for residency courses
ü Coordinating the periodical exams of residents
ü Sending the recommended curriculum of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education to the clinical wards
ü Specifying the qualified students for participating in the pre-intern comprehensive exam every semester
ü Preparing modern equipment for residents, and supervising the residency courses
ü Vice-Dean for Basic Sciences
Vice-Dean for Basic Sciences: Dr. Shirzad Fallahi
Academic Rank: Associate professor of parasitology
Email: -
Duties of the Vice-Dean for Basic Sciences
ü Planning the revision of educational procedures and proposing the revised materials to the authorities
ü Organizing student commendations for exceptional talents
ü Motivating the faculty members and educational departments to participate in the management, and evaluation procedures
ü Coordinating with the units affiliated to LUMS to achieve organizational goals
ü Coordinating the operations of the departments in order to contribute to the achievement of the goals set by the School of Medicine and LUMS
ü Coordinating the bureaucratic operations of the affiliated units to achieve the goals set by the School and LUMS
ü Stay in touch with the Vice-Chancellor for Education to discuss the educational policies of the University, put forward the suggestion of the School for consideration, and submit the demands
ü Stay in touch with other medical universities and vice-chancelleries for health and clinical affairs, as well as educational hospitals, the Medical Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Iranian Nursing Organization in order to discuss the tentative cooperation between the School and these organizations and units
ü Monitoring the activities of the departments
ü Supervising the operations of the Education Department, the Postgraduate Office of the School, and EDO
ü Monitoring the enforcement of educational rules, regulations and bylaws
ü Implementing the policies, and enforcing the decrees issued by the Dean of the School and the Vice-Chancellor for Education
ü Putting proposals forward for consideration and issuing decrees to promote the educational operations and implement the educational policies relevant to the duties determined for the Vice-Dean for Basic Sciences
ü Sending the letters received by the School to the affiliated units
ü Receiving the suggestions proposed by the faculty members, departments, affiliated units, and students and issuing the required decrees
ü Participating in the Educational Council, the Postgraduate Studies Council, and the Board of Directors of the School
ü Holding academic conferences, workshops, and refresh courses
ü Corresponding with the intra and inter-units
ü Vice-Dean for Research
Vice-Dean for Research: Dr. Farnaz Kheirandish
Academic Rank: Professor of medical parasitology

انتخاب حالت کور رنگی
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