School of Pharmacy was established in 2014, but the first series of students were admitted in February, 2015. Currently, 200 students study at the School of Pharmacy. Although this school has managed to become one of the top pharmacy schools in Western Iran, we intend to develop our educational potentials in order to be listed as one of the top 10 pharmacy schools in Iran. A wide range of academic facilities, including research and educational laboratories, a language lab and a large library with a comprehensive list of books have enabled the researchers and students at the School of Pharmacy to achieve the educational goals set by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Our knowledgeable faculty members provide the students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skill required to become prospective pharmacists and researchers. Annually, this school admits 30 students to be educated and trained as pharmacists and scientists who would conduct efficient researches and serve the public. Currently, the School of Pharmacy offers the Pharm. D. program, which is a 6-year undergraduate program that ends in a professional doctorate degree in pharmacy.
Contact Us:
Address: School of Pharmacy, Kamalvand Campus, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Lorestan, Iran.
Postal Code: 6813833946
Email: edu-res@lums.ac.ir
Phone Number: +98-066-33120239