About the Department
Throughout the world, operating room programs are offered in two diverse methods. In the first method, bachelor degree obtainers in nursing, after graduation, in a one/two year program, are trained to serve in operating rooms In the second method, students who have obtained their associate degree receive general training to serve in operating rooms as scrub nurses. Afterwards, should they be interested, after participating in a 1.5-2.5 year program, they can act as first assistants to surgeons. As an example, at the nursing society at the University of Carolinska, it has become apparent that graduate nurses, after obtaining their bachelor’s degree and their work permit as registered nurses and upon passing a university course with the duration of 45 weeks (approximately a year), have obtained degrees for serving in operating rooms as experienced nurses. In another example, at the Operating Room Nursing College in Australia, after obtaining their bachelor’s degree and receiving their work permit as registered nurses, upon passing university course, including 27 course subjects, they can be employed as skilled nurses, trained for performance before, while and after surgery, as anesthesiology nurses, circulate nurses, register nurses, equipment nurses, assistant to the surgeon, recovery room nurses and after-surgery nurses. Moreover, they are trained to educate patients about after surgery care and procedures. A survey at the American Operating Room Nursing Society reveals that students acting as technicians in the operating room can easily further their studies and promote themselves to higher levels.
At every course, candidates are well aware of their required tasks and duties. The role and position of those who have completed these courses totally differ from operating room technicians. Standards of the AST Society, also, display the fact that those employed in the operating room have different degrees. For instance, technologists, in the operating room, are trained at diverse levels; 1, 2 and 3. At the first level, the candidate is trained to perform in general surgeries. In the second level, the candidate can assist in more specialized surgeries. At the third level, the candidate can even assume in managerial roles. This field has been activated since 1987 and has been offering students associate degrees until 2001. Since 2008, bachelor’s degrees have been awarded to students of the field throughout the country.
This major is taught at schools of allied medical sciences and nursing schools. At the mentioned centers, students are well trained and managed. There has been so far, no record of a similar course in Iranian Medical Schools and Centers. Students opted, first, for an associate degree, and should they desire to further their studies, they participate in a comprehensive exam and after seeking their bachelor’s degree, are recruited as operating room nurses. It is necessary that technologists of operating rooms improve their status because they are, after all, important members of health teams. They are in contact with surgeons and anesthesiologists. Hence, they play a significant role in giving proper healthcare to patients. No doubt, the foundation of development and progress lies in the training and educational programs of that field. It is expected that the need for technologists in the operating room will face a sharp rise until 2012. This is basically due to the considerable number and different types of surgery, increase in population and senility in various communities. It is a known fact that the more senile a society is the more the requirement for surgeries is felt within that society. Variety in surgery has induced technicians of operating rooms to update themselves in multitude ways to meet new responsibilities. The present curriculum seems insufficient to meet all such requirements in the future. The establishment of a bachelor’s course appears to partially provide the necessary skills and knowledge.
The main objective, in this field, is to train knowledgeable, responsible and competent human resources. They are prepared to activate their abilities in the operating room to its full level. They are updated and acquainted with the most cutting-edge techniques in surgery which makes their presence in the operating room invaluable. They are required to offer the least expensive services with the highest quality in order to maintain, spread, and enhance health for not only hospital patients but also other members of the society.
Personal Characteristics of Candidates
It goes without saying that moral and ethical devotion are vital in this profession. A technician of the operating room should be a health taker and observant not only towards the patients but also towards other members of the surgery team and the workplace. He/ she must be able to work with precision and swiftness and to prioritize cases at the time of emergency and stress. Hence, candidates are requires to possess a stable, responsible, patient and enthusiastic personality in order to take care of others and heed to the requirements of patients and other members of the surgery team. Working in the operating room requires a healthy and robust physique. Those who are employed to work in the operating room must be on their feet for long hours. They might have to transport and carry heavy objects or they might have to be exposed to unpleasant sights and odors. They might even be subject to infectious diseases or dangerous chemicals. All these reasons necessitate a robust person, who is physically fit for all sorts of activities in the surgery room.
Further Studies in the Field
This field is quite new in the country and has far to go. Obviously, alumni in this field can pursue their studies in anatomy, physiology, engineering of medical equipment, first aid in surgery, etc. The academic staff of this Department intend to do their utmost to develop end enhance the field in any way they can.
Duration of the B.S. Program
The duration of studying in this field is in accordance with the regulations and bylaws that apply to all medical courses stipulated by the Supreme Council of Medical Sciences Planning. The shortest period is 4 years and the longest is 5 years. The latter period is allocated to those who have acceptable excuses for extending their studies.
Job Opportunities
The majority of alumni in this field are employed in hospitals and mobile healthcare units. Hospitals stand as the first option. Next, though, are mobile surgical centers, clinics and doctors’ surgeries. Due to their skill and educational background, alumni are presented with manifold options for employment as follows:
- Specializing in heart surgery, orthopedics, or pediatrics
- Recruitment by a medical organization in order to introduce their products
- Educating technologists for the operating room
- Martial services
- Employment as an advisor

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